When it comes to the cake, there are definitely some tradition and rituals that take place. Your wedding cake is a symbol of fertility and prosperity {and no, I'm not making this up} and should be treated as such. It should be a magnificent display piece and be elaborate in design. When cutting the cake, the groom should put his hands over the brides {on the cutting knife} and the first piece should be cut from the bottom layer. Traditionally, the bride should eat the first piece, otherwise she will end up childless and barren {I hope not, eek!}. After the first bite is eaten by the bride and groom, the cake is cut for the guests to eat. Also, traditionally the top layer is saved and eaten a year later on the 1st anniversary. But now, almost every bakery will make you a new cake with your wedding cake flavor for your anniversary {be sure to ask!!} - I think I would take a fresh cake over a one year old frozen one!
The costs of a wedding cake can vary quite a bit. There was a great post written by a local baker, click here to see it. Here are some specifics that might influence cost:
- Fondant or buttercream
- Ingredients
- Flavors
- Fruit fillings
- Labor involved
- Number of servings needed
Make sure to keep this in mind when ordering a cake. A sculpted cake with fondant is going to cost more than a simple tiered cake. You should order your cake anywhere from 3-6 months before your wedding. I say this is the best part of planning - you get to taste a bunch of cake!! A couple of tips - make sure you have a contract with the place you choose (size, flavors, design, cancellation policy, etc) and also inquire about a delivery/setup fee. To find out more tips or for recommendation, be sure to ask your wedding planner.
Interesting Fact Break: from here
"The world’s largest wedding cake is by Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut, measuring 17-ft tall and weighing 15,032 pounds. It is a seven-tiered vanilla-flavored cake decorated with bows and hearts. Ingredients include 10,000 pounds of cake batter and 4,810 pounds of creamy vanilla-almond frosting. The weight of the cake was more than five Volkswagen Beetles when compared. This cake can feed up to 59,000 people."
There are a ton of different bakeries and pastry shops in Denver, so check around and find someone that can design the kind of cake you want and has the flavors you want too {or is willing to make it for you}. If you ever need assistance in the cake department, call me, I am always open to going to cake tasting sessions! :) And because a post isn't a post without pictures, here are some awesome cakes!
PS. While I was researching information for this post, I saw one that mentioned the largest wedding attendance...it was...30,000 guests!! Can you imagine?? Oh my!

Thanks to Intricate Icings and Revert Photo for the images; and Kelley Kakes for the article. Anyone have anything else to add to the post? Comment below! We love comments!
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