Friday, May 7, 2010

{project: stamp}

When I have free time, I enjoy making crafts. I love being creative and seeing the outcome after working on a project. Anything from sewing something for my daughter to building a nightstand to making handmade cards. As I have stated in the past, I follow A LOT of blog and several of them are craft blogs. I see a lot of things that inspire me and I think about how I can incorporate them into weddings.

For quite a while, I have been researching custom stamps. I wanted to get a portion of my logo made into a stamp so I could make anything I wanted with it {not sure what it would be, but still I wanted one}. I came across a several blogs that showed you how to make your own stamp, so I thought I would try.

This is my logo. I want to get a stamp of just the little guy below the words.

I blew it up into several different sizes. I found one that suited the project I had in mind.

Here are the supplies I used:

Design for the stamp

Mod Podge

1 sheet of 3mm foam

1 stamp pad

X-acto knife {not pictured}

Ultra Fine point Sharpie

Cut the design from the paper with the X-acto knife {sorry I didn't get a picture of that}.

Cut a piece of foam a little bigger than the design. Trace the design onto the foam with the sharpie as best you can.

Using the X-acto knife, cut your design out of the foam. This took me quite a while to do. It would be easier with a simplier design. :)

Next, cut two more pieces of foam bigger than your design. This will be used as your base to hold the stamp. I couldn't think of anything else to mount it to, but I am definitely open to suggestions if you have any. :)

Using your Mod Podge and stick it all together. I put a little Mod Podge on all the foam pieces to make them stick better. You will have a little bit of time to adjust your design if needed. For me, I made sure the spacing was the same in the design as best as I could. Then, let it dry completely.

Then get your ink pad and stamp away!! Here is my finished design. I think it came out pretty well for the first time making a stamp.

On a semi-related note, I was looking at stamp pads colors and my daughter asked for one. So I got her a little small square stamp with princess designs on it {she is so into Disney princesses it is crazy!}. The ink pad that it came with was pretty lousy so I gave her a red one I had on hand. I ran upstairs to grab my design off the printer and I heard her say, "Mommy, I need you." I said "Ok, I'll be right there. What happened?" She responded, "My hands are pink!" I came downstairs and found this:

At least she had a good time! It washed off so it was not a big deal and she had a ton of fun.

My goal is to try to do a project posting once a week...hopefully I will be able to keep up with it!

What do you think? Do you like this kind of post or not? What would you like to see? We love comments, leave us some! :)

Colorado Wedding Planner


Unknown said...

Love your stamp with the use of Mod Podge!