Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wordless Wednesday (a day late...and a few words)

I follow a TON of blogs, really it is insane, my google reader constantly reminds me that I have over 1000 unread entries. But quite a few of the bloggers do a feature on Wednesday called Wordless Wednesday. I wanted to join so here is my first post.

The pictures is from a photographer I follow, Shannon Montez. She says it is not photoshopped and is SOC (straight out of the camera). I LOVE it and would to know how she did it (and secretly wish I could)! Any photographers want to fill me in?


Stephanie Osborne said...

Lovely photo! You know Rj Kern does quite a bit of this here in Denver. Basically you shoot with a really slow shutter speed and have someone with a light source write what you want. You can't see the person moving but the light registers in the photo. Wordless Wednesday, what a great concept!